TDBSearch Version 0.95 Aaron Castro 71534,2312 TDBSearch is a class to enable Paradox like searching on any field in a TDataSource. It seems to be reasonably fast. I have only tested it on a maximum of 5000 records, but the speed results were good. Still some room for improvment. It curently DOES NOT support the use of indexes. NOTE: The SetDataSource declaration has changed, it is now... procedure SetDataSource(Datasource1: TDataSource; ResetSearchFields: Boolean); There are 2 help files. One is for development use and one for end user use. The use of TDBSearch is simple... 1) Create a TDBSearch object, ie var DBSearch: TDBSearch; DBSearch:=TDBSearch.Create(DataSource1); 2) Optionally set the field you want to search DBSearch.SetDefLocateField('Fieldone'); 3) Tell it to get locate information and do the locate DBSearch.Locate; 4) Optionally tell it to look for the next occurence DBSearch.LocateNext; *************************************************************************** Please report to me any problems or comments you might have. You can reach me at the address shown at the top of this file. *************************************************************************** WARNING!!!! You may use and distribute this version (.9) of TDBSearch for free. By using this software you agree not to hold me responsible for any problems or damage that may result from using the software.